Dr. David Zbíral – curriculum vitae and publications
Masaryk University
Faculty of Arts
Department for the Study of Religions
Arna Nováka 1
602 00 Brno
Czech Republic
E-mail: see the Information System of Masaryk University
Academic qualifications
- 2014: docent (corresponds approximately to associate professor, senior lecturer, Dozent, directeur de recherches) in the Study of Religions (Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic); thesis Forms and Boundaries of Religiosity in Inquisitional Records, 1270-1330 [in Czech].
- 2008: Ph.D. in the Study of Religions (Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic); thesis Qui duo ponunt principia: The Role of Dualism in the History of Thought on the Cathars [in Czech].
- 2006: PhDr. (Minor Doctor’s Degree) in the Study of Religions (Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic); thesis “Dualism” in Scholarly Accounts of Catharism [in Czech].
- 2005: M.A. in Study of Religions and French Language and Literature (Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic); thesis The Charter of Niquinta and the Cathar Meeting at Saint-Félix (1167) [in Czech].
Professional career
- 2014-present: Associate Professor, Department for the Study of Religions, Faculty of Arts, Masaryk University.
- 2008-2014: Assistant Professor, Department for the Study of Religions, Faculty of Arts, Masaryk University.
- 2011-2012: Supervisor, Laboratory for the Experimental Research of Religion, Faculty of Arts, Masaryk University.
- 2008-2010: IT Specialist, Department of Special Informatics, Support Centre for Students with Special Needs, Masaryk University.
Major fields of research and teaching
- Theory and method in the study of religions and in historical sciences.
- Historical anthropology and interdisciplinary history.
- Christianity in medieval Europe.
- Theories of religious change in pre-modern Europe.
- Religious dissent and its repression in medieval Europe, Christian discourses on heresy, persecution stereotypes, theories of religious non-conformism in Christian history.
- Catharism.
- Medieval inquisition, inquisitional records.
- Individual religiosity in medieval inquisitional records.
- Historical anthropology of Christian rituals.
- Sexuality in the history of Christianity.
- Sanctity and authority in the history of Christianity.
- Bibliographical work.
- Translations of sources from Latin and old Occitan.
- Digital humanities, databases in history, markup languages.
- Computer lexicography.
Grants, research projects and scholarships
Important research grants
- 2013: “Research in Paris” grant from the Mairie de Paris. Research project: “Scholastic Rationality and Its ‘Other’: Searching for the Place of Cathar Dualism in Theological Discourses on Good and Evil, Society, and the World, 1160-1300”. Granted sum: 15,000 €.
- 2012-2015: research grant from the Czech Science Foundation. Project No. P401/12/0657 “Sources for the Study of Dissenting Religious Movements in Medieval Western Christianity with a Special Focus on Catharism”. Granted sum: 1,291,000 CZK (ca 52,629 €).
- 2009-2011: postdoctoral research grant from the Czech Science Foundation. Project No. 401/09/P191 “Inquisitional concepts, classifications and identities and their legacy in the scholarly tradition”. Granted sum: 894,000 CZK (ca 34,380 €).
Other scholarships and research grants
- 2009: scholarship from the French government. Research project: “Rethinking the Cathar consolament”. Granted sum: 855 € and accommodation (4,340 €).
- 2008: scholarship from the project “Podpora internacionalizace doktorského studia a zahraničních zkušeností mladých pracovníků bezprostředně po získání Ph.D.” (investigator: doc. PhDr. Zbyněk Vybíral, Ph.D.). Granted sum: 20,000 CZK (ca 830 €).
- 2008: scholarship from the French government. Research project: “Norm and deviation in inquisitional registers from southwestern France”. Granted sum: 1,800 € and accommodation (7,250 €).
- 2007-2008: research grant from the Rector’s Scheme of Research Support. Project: “The inquisitional concept of heresy and its resonance in the contemporary historiography”) Granted sum: 47,000 CZK (ca 1,670 €).
- 2007: research grant from the Dean of the Faculty of Arts’ Scheme of Research Support. Project: “The inquisitional models of abnormality: ‘alternative’ sexual morals and their regulation in the inquisitional register of Jacques Fournier (1318-1325). Granted sum: 40,000 CZK (ca 1,420 €).
- 2007: scholarship from the Jan Hus Educational Foundation. Granted sum: 60,000 CZK (ca 2,180 €).
- 2007: scholarship from the project “Podpora konkurenceschopnosti doktorských studentů a post-doktorských pracovníků jako členů výzkumných týmů” (investigator: doc. PhDr. Zbyněk Vybíral, Ph.D.). Granted sum: 10,000 CZK (ca 360 €).
- 2006-2007: research grant from the Rector’s Scheme of Research Support. Project: “The construction of ‘Cathar heresy’ in polemical sources”. Granted sum: 74,000 CZK (ca 2,500 €).
- 2006: scholarship from the French government. Research project: “Critical approach to sources of the history of Catharism”. Granted sum: 1,540 € and accommodation (6,600 €).
- 2006: scholarship from the Jan Hus Educational Foundation. Granted sum: 60,000 CZK (ca 2,180 €).
- 2003: student grant from the University Development Fund No. 663/2003. Project: “Holy Grail: The symbol and its resonance”. Granted sum: 58,000 CZK (ca 1,930 €).
- 2002-2004: participation in the research project No. 333/2001 “Translation of the New Testament apocrypha II” funded by the Grant Foundation of the Charles University (Prague).
Teaching grants
- 2013: teaching grant from the University Development Fund “Innovation of the Course ‘Orthodoxy and Heresy in the Medieval Western Christianity’”. Granted sum: 112,000 CZK.
- 2012: teaching grant from the University Development Fund “Innovation of the Course ‘Analysis of Textual Subjectivities in the Study of Religions’”. Granted sum: 116,000 CZK.
- 2011: teaching grant from the University Development Fund “Innovation of the Course ‘Christianity I’ and ‘Proseminar for Christianity I’”. Granted sum: 126,000 CZK.
- 2010: teaching grant from the University Development Fund “Evolution of the Christian Cult”. Granted sum: 88,000 CZK.
- 2009: teaching grant from the University Development Fund “New Course ‘Sanctity and Authority in the History of Christianity’”. Granted sum: 77,000 CZK.
- 2007: teaching grant from the Jan Hus Educational Foundation (project No. 0604/NIF “Orthodoxy and heresy in the medieval West”). Granted sum: 68,000 CZK (ca 2,400 €).
- 2014, 1 February to 31 July: École des hautes études en sciences sociales (Centre de recherches historiques, Groupe d’anthropologie scolastique), Paris. Postdoctoral research project “Scholastic Rationality and Its ‚Other‘: Searching for the Place of Cathar Dualism in Theological Discourses on Good and Evil, Society, and the World, 1160-1300” supported by a “Research in Paris” grant from the Mairie de Paris.
- 2009, 1-28 February: École des hautes études en sciences sociales, Paris. Research project “Rethinking the Cathar consolament” supported by the French government and supervised by Jean-Claude Schmitt.
- 2008, 1 January to 29 February: École des hautes études en sciences sociales, Paris. Research project “Norm and deviation in inquisitional registers from southwestern France” supported by the French government and supervised by Jean-Claude Schmitt.
- 2006, 18 September to 15 November: École des hautes études en sciences sociales, Paris. Research project “Critical approach to sources of the history of Catharism” supported by the French government and supervised by Jacques Chiffoleau.
- Christianity I.
- Christianity on Wikipedia.
- Catharism.
- Orthodoxy and Heresy in Medieval Western Christianity.
- Sanctity and Authority in the History of Christianity.
- Sexuality in the History of Christianity.
- Development of Christian Cult.
- Analysis of Textual Subjectivities in the Study of Religions.
- Religious Rationalities: A Study.
- Religious Rationalities: Readings.
- Reading of Religious Texts in Latin I-II (in collaboration).
- B.A. Thesis Seminar I-II.
- M.A. Thesis Seminar I-II.
- Doctoral Seminar II (in collaboration).
Guest lectures
- 2013, 19 Nov: “Problems in the Study of Religious Dissent in Medieval Europe”, Leipzig, University of Leipzig.
- 2013, 13 Mar: “‘Alternativní’ sexuální morálky ve středověkém křesťanství”, Pardubice, Faculty of Arts and Philosophy, University of Pardubice and the Czech Association for the Study of Religions.
- 2013, 8 Mar: “The Holy Spirit Incarnate: Guglielma of Milan and Her Followers”, Bern, University of Bern (course “Orthodoxy and Heresy in Medieval Christianity”).
- 2013, 7 Mar: “Narratives about Medieval Heresy: Searching for Origins and Explanations II”, Bern, University of Bern (course “Orthodoxy and Heresy in Medieval Christianity”).
- 2013, 6 Mar: “Narratives about Medieval Heresy: Searching for Origins and Explanations I”, Bern, University of Bern (course “Orthodoxy and Heresy in Medieval Christianity”).
- 2013, 5 Mar: “Introduction: Medieval Christianity and the Problem of Heresy”, Bern, University of Bern (course “Orthodoxy and Heresy in Medieval Christianity”).
- 2011, 6 Dec: “‘Alternativní’ sexuální morálky ve středověkém křesťanství”, Prague, Charles University and the Czech Association for the Study of Religions.
- 2011, 9 Sept: “Bogomils and Cathars: Real or Imagined Genealogical Link?”, Nijmegen, Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen.
- 2011, 15 Apr: “The Problem of Manichean-Bogomil-Cathar Relationship”, Amsterdam, University of Amsterdam.
- 2011, 12 Apr: “Current Research in ‘Alternative’ Sexual Morals in Medieval Inquisitorial Records”, Amsterdam, University of Amsterdam.
- 2011, 12 Apr: “Medieval Christian Dualisms: An Introduction”, Amsterdam, University of Amsterdam.
- 2010, 1 Nov: “Podoby a dějinné proměny křesťanských iniciačních obřadů” [Forms and Historical Changes of Christian Initiation Rituals], Prague, Charles University and the Czech Association for the Study of Religions.
- 2009, 20 Nov: “Živoucí světci a modely autority v křesťanství” [Living Saints and the Models of Authority in Christianity], Prague, Charles University and the Czech Association for the Study of Religions.
- 2009, 12 Nov: “Náboženství předislámské Arábie” [Religion of the Pre-Islamic Arabia], Brno, Baraka and Moravské zemské museum.
- 2007, 27 Mar: “Secundum ritum hereticorum: Rituální život katarských skupin v Itálii a jihozápadní Francii ve 13. století” [Secundum ritum hereticorum: The ritual life of Cathar groups in Italy and southwestern France in the 13th century], Prague, Charles University.
- 2006, 9 Nov: “Comment devient-on un saint hérétique ? Deux procès posthumes d’Armanno Pungilupo”, Paris, École des hautes études en sciences sociales.
Congresses and conferences
- 2014, 7.-10. 7.: International Medieval Congress 2014: Empire, Leeds (UK), Institute for Medieval Studies, University of Leeds. Paper “Games with Names: Advances in, and Shortcomings of the Debate on the Invention of Heresy”. Organization of the panel “Heresy and Repression, I-III” and of the panel discussion “Righteous Persecution, or Doing Justice to the Inquisitors”. Participation in the panel discussion “Are Theoretical Models Useful for the Study of Medieval Religion, Heresy, and Dissent?”.
- 2014, 10-14 May: Religion and Pluralities of Knowledge, Grøningen (Netherlands), European Association for the Study of Religions. Paper “Theorizing the Repression of Religious Dissent in Medieval Europe: The State of Research and Its Prospects”. Organization of the panel “Violence and Repression in Christianity: Discourses and Practices I-II”.
- 2013, 25-27 Nov: Religions: Fields of Research, Methods and Perspectives, Cracow (Poland), Instytut Religioznawstwa, Uniwersytet Jagielloński. Paper “Narratives about the Beginnings of Cathar Groups: Historical Accounts or Polemical Fantasies?”.
- 2013, 3-6 Sept: Religion, Migration and Mutation, Liverpool (UK), European Association for the Study of Religions. Paper “Being Fair Towards the Dead? Historians and Power Relations in Research into Inquisitional Records”.
- 2013, 1-4 Jul: International Medieval Congress 2013: Pleasure, Leeds (UK), Institute for Medieval Studies, University of Leeds. Paper “Forming Identity and Legitimizing Leadership: Why the 12th-13th Century Narratives about the History of Cathar Groups are Not Pure Polemical Fantasy”. Organization of the panel “Goodbye to Heretics? Discussing Polemical and Inquisitional Discourses on Heresy, I-III”, and of the round-table discussion “Perspectives in the Study of Medieval Heresies and Inquisitions”.
- 2012, 29 Nov – 1 Dec: Towards a Symmetrical Approach: The Study of Religions After Postmodern and Postcolonial Criticism, Brno (Czech Republic), Department for the Study of Religions, Masaryk University, and the Czech Association for the Study of Religions. Paper “Should Historians Care about Symmetry? The Example of Research into Medieval Inquisitional Records”.
- 2012, 16 Nov: Inkvizice, hereze a reformace v pozdním středověku, Prague (Czech Republic), Centre for Medieval Studies. Paper “Inkviziční záznamy jako pramen historického bádání: Možnosti, omezení, strategie”.
- 2012, 23-26 Aug: Ends and Beginnings, Stockholm (Sweden), European Association for the Study of Religions. Paper “Identity-Construction, Leadership and the Uses of History in the Narratives about the Beginnings of the Cathars (12th-13th Century)”.
- 2012, 9-12 Jul: International Medieval Congress 2012: Rules to Follow (or Not), Leeds (UK), Institute for Medieval Studies. Paper “Cathars as Cultural Waste: A Global Theory of Cathar Heresy as ‘the Other’ of a New Social Order”. Organization of the panel “Constructing Social Order and Its ‘Other’: Heresy and Formation of Persecuting Societies in Medieval Europe”.
- 2012, 1-3 Mar: Past, Present, and Future in the Scientific Study of Religion, Brno, Laboratory for the Experimental Research of Religion (LEVYNA). Paper “‘Poor of Christ’ Not So Poor: A Paradox of the Cathar Heresy”.
- 2011, 18-22 Sept: New Movements in Religion: Theories and Trends, Budapest (Hungary), European Association for the Study of Religions. Paper “Theories and Methods for a Case Study Research in Individual Religiosity and Religious Bricolage in Medieval Inquisitional Registers”.
- 2011, 11-14 Jul: International Medieval Congress 2011: Poor... Rich, Leeds (UK), Institute for Medieval Studies. Paper “‘Poor of Christ’ Not So Poor: A Paradox of the Cathar Heresy”. Co-organization of the panel “Spiritual Poverty and Lay People, I-II”.
- 2010, 16-18 Dec: Twenty Years After: Secularization and Desecularization in Central and Eastern Europe, Brno (Czech Republic), ISORECEA (International Study of Religion in Eastern and Central Europe Association). Paper “Introduction to the Panel ‘Inspiring the Present: What Historical Cases Can Teach Us about Method and Theory in the Study of Religions’”.
- 2010, 15-22 Aug: Religion: A Human Phenomenon, Toronto (Canada), International Association for the History of Religions. Paper “The Norm-Deviation Model Reconsidered: ‘Alternative’ Sexual Morals Judged by the Inquisition”.
- 2009, 14-18 Sept: Religion in the History of European Culture, Messina (Italy), European Association for the Study of Religions. Paper “Mapping Religious Diversity: The Inquisitorial Classifications of Heresy”.
- 2009, 15-17 May: 1209-2009. Catharisme: Une histoire à pacifier?, Mazamet (France), Association de Valorisation du Patrimoine Mazamétain. Paper “La Charte de Niquinta et le rassemblement à Saint-Félix: État de la question”.
- 2008, 27 Nov: Inkwizycja papieska w Europie Środkowo-Wschodniej w perspektywie porównawczej, Lublin (Poland), Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Paper “Beginnings of the Inquisition in southwestern France”.
- 2008, 7-11 Sept: Time of Decline, Time of Hope: Scientific, Cultural and Political Engagement of the Study of Religions, Brno (Czech Republic), European Association for the Study of Religions. Paper “The Inquisitorial Concept of Religious Group and Its Resonance in European Historiography”.
- 2008, 24 May: Le catharisme européen: un mouvement structuré?, Mazamet (France), Association de Valorisation du Patrimoine Mazamétain. Paper “Revenir sur les sources: Le lien présumé entre le bogomilisme et le catharisme”.
- 2007, 9-11 Oct: Various Interpretations of Religions: Methods & History, Pardubice (Czech Republic), CERES – Central European Religious Studies. Paper “Fingerprinting the Concept of Religion: The Legacy of Medieval Inquisitors”.
- 2005, 11-12 Oct: Náboženství a tělo [Religion and the Body], Brno (Czech Republic), CERES – Central European Religious Studies. Paper “Relikvie, nebo hnijící maso? Spor o výklad mrtvol Pietra Parenza a Armanna Pungilupa”.
Training schools and workshops
- 2014, 26 Apr: workshop The Connected Past: Networks in Archaeology and History (Paris, The Connected Past network).
- 2014, 31 Mar to 4 Apr: Transmission of Texts: New Tools, New Approaches (Paris, Institut de recherche et d’histoire des textes).
Editorship, membership of editorial boards
- 2014-present: member of the editorial board of the series “Christentum und Dissidenz” of the LIT Verlag (Berlin – Münster – Wien – Zürich – London).
- 2009-present: managing editor of Religio: Revue pro religionistiku, journal of the Czech Association for the Study of Religions.
- 2006-2009: member of the editorial board of Heresis: Revue semestrielle d’histoire des dissidences médiévales.
Membership and offices in academic associations
- 2008-present: General Secretary of the Czech Association for the Study of Religions.
- 2012-present: co-opted member of the Collectif International de Recherche sur le Catharisme et les Dissidences (CIRCAED).
- 2005-2009: member of the Centre d’Études Cathares (Carcassonne, France).
- 2002-present: member of the Czech Association for the Study of Religions, member institution of the IAHR (International Association for the History of Religions) and the EASR (European Association for the Study of Religions).
- 2005: Rector’s Prize for the best student at Masaryk University in the M.A. programme.
- 2004: 1st prize in the national and 2nd prize in the Czech-Slovak competition to find the best academic work by students of the Study of Religions.
- 2001: 3rd prize in the competition to find the best academic work by students of the Study of Religions.
Zbíral, David, Největší hereze: Dualismus, učenecká vyprávění o katarství a budování křesťanské Evropy [The Greatest Heresy: Dualism, Scholarly Narratives about Catharism and the Building of Christian Europe], Praha: Argo 2007.
Chapters in books
Zbíral, David, “O Otázkách Janových”, “Otázky Janovy”, in: Jan A. Dus (ed.), Novozákonní apokryfy III: Proroctví a apokalypsy, Praha: Vyšehrad 2007, 198-203, 217-229.
Articles in English and French
Zbíral, David, “Définir les ‘cathares’: Le dualisme dans les registres d’inquisition”, Revue de l’histoire des religions 227/2, 2010, 195-210.
Zbíral, David, “The Norm-Deviation Model Reconsidered: Four Cases of ‘Alternative’ Sexual Morals Judged by the Inquisition”, Journal of Religion in Europe 3/2, 2010, 215-240.
Zbíral, David, “La Charte de Niquinta et les récits sur les commencements des églises cathares en Italie et dans le Midi”, Heresis: Revue semestrielle d’histoire des dissidences médiévales 44-45, 2006, 135-162.
Zbíral, David, “La Charte de Niquinta: un faux moderne?”, Heresis: Revue semestrielle d’histoire des dissidences médiévales 42-43, 2005, 139-159.
Zbíral, David, “Les ‘esprits incrédules’ dans l’apocryphe bogomile Interrogatio Iohannis”, Heresis: Revue semestrielle d’histoire des dissidences médiévales 42-43, 2005, 33-40.
Articles in Czech
Zbíral, David, “Hédonistické křesťanství, sexuální morálka a vyjednávání o identitě: Případ Grazidy Lizierové (1320)”, Pantheon: Religionistický časopis 8/2, 2013, 5-18.
Zbíral, David, „Sexuální morálka, koexistence norem a kontrola myšlení ve středověké Evropě: Případ Petra Vidala“, Religio: Revue pro religionistiku 21/1, 2013, 57-71.
Zbíral, David, „Inkviziční záznamy jako pramen historického bádání: Možnosti, omezení, strategie čtení“, Dějiny – teorie – kritika 9/2, 2012, 193-229.
Zbíral, David, “Případ nekonfesní religiozity ve středověké Evropě: Bompietro z Boloně”, Religio: Revue pro religionistiku 20/2, 2012, 219-232.
Zbíral, David, “Legislativní rámec, raný vývoj a průběh inkvizičních procesů ve 13.-14. století”, Pantheon: Religionistický časopis 7/2, 2012, 3-16.
Zbíral, David, “Skeptický a materialistický proud ve středověkém křesťanství: Případ z Itálie 13. století”, Religio: Revue pro religionistiku 20/1, 2012, 93-106.
Zbíral, David, “Současné bádání o středověké inkvizici: Stav, směřování, perspektivy”, Český časopis historický 110/1, 2012, 1-19.
Zbíral, David, “Osobní religiozita, náboženství a členství: Případ Armanna ‚Pungilupa‘ z Ferrary”, Religio: Revue pro religionistiku 19/2, 2011, 147-178.
Zbíral, David, “Označení, typologie a genealogie středověkých herezí: Inspirace a výzvy pro teorii religionistiky”, Religio: Revue pro religionistiku 18/2, 2010, 163-190.
Zbíral, David, “‘Bylo a bude, svět tak běží, že s ženou jiného, kdo může, leží’: ‘Alternativní’ sexuální morálky a jejich regulace v inkvizičním registru Jakuba Fourniera” [„Always Was and Always Will Be that a Man Will Sleep with Another’s Man Wife”: “Alternative” Sexual Morals and their Regulation in the Inquisitional Register of Jacques Fournier], Dějiny – teorie – kritika 5/2, 2008, 191-217.
Zbíral, David, “Protikacířské pojednání “Odhalení albigenské a lyonské hereze’” [Anti-Cathar Treatise Revelation of the Albigensian and Lyonese Heresy], Religio: Revue pro religionistiku 16/2, 2008, 241-250.
Zbíral, David, “Náboženství předislámské Arábie” [Religion of the Pre-Islamic Arabia], Nový Orient 63/3, 2008, 17-20.
Zbíral, David, “Zrod ‘katarské sekty’: Ekbert z Schönau v boji proti herezi v Porýní” [Birth of “Cathar Sect”: Ekbert of Schönau’s Struggle Against Heresy in Rhineland], Religio: Revue pro religionistiku 15/2, 2007, 211-231.
Zbíral, David, “Ve dva bohy věřiti nebudeš: Konstruování ‚katarského dualismu‘ v inkvizičních registrech” [Thou Shall Not Believe in Two Gods: On Construction of the “Cathar Dualism” in the Inquisitional Registers], Religio: Revue pro religionistiku 15/1, 2007, 29-46.
Zbíral, David, “Niquintova listina a vyprávění o počátcích katarských církví v Itálii a jihozápadní Francii” [The Charter of Niquinta and the Narrations about the Beginnings of Cathar Churches in Italy and Southwestern France], Religio: Revue pro religionistiku 14/1, 2006, 19-40.
Zbíral, David, “Niquintova listina a historiografie katarství v 17. století” [The Charter of Niquinta and the Historiography of Catharism in 17th Century], Religio: Revue pro religionistiku 13/2, 2005, 307-328.
Zbíral, David, “Za saracénským věštcem: Svědectví o lidovém islámu v inkvizičním registru Jakuba Fourniera” [A Saracene Oracle: Evidence of Popular Islam in the Inquisitional Register of Jacques Fournier], Nový Orient 60/4, 2005, 17-19.
Zbíral, David, “Katarský komentář k Otčenáši ve Florentském obřadním spise” [The Cathar Gloss on Our Father in the Ritual of Florence], Religio: Revue pro religionistiku 12/2, 2004, 255-264.
Zbíral, David, “Vztah bogomilství a katarství” [The Relationship between Bogomilism and Catharism], Religio: Revue pro religionistiku 12/1, 2004, 77-94.
Zbíral, David, “Náboženství a internet” [Religion and Internet], Sacra 2/2, 2004, 47-57.
Zbíral, David, “Grálová queste jako pouť. Od středověku po Ottu Rahna” [The Grail Quest as a Pilgrimage: From the Middle Ages to Otto Rahn], Religio: Revue pro religionistiku 11/2, 2003, 163-184.
Zbíral, David, “Bogomilsko-katarský apokryf ‘Otázky Jana Evangelisty’” [The Bogomil-Cathar Apocryphon “Questions of John the Evangelist”], Religio: Revue pro religionistiku 11/1, 2003, 109-130.
Papers in conference proceedings
Zbíral, David, “La Charte de Niquinta et le rassemblement de Saint-Félix: État de la question”, “Édition critique de la Charte de Niquinta selon les trois versions connues”, in: Anne Brenon (ed.), 1209-2009: Cathares: Une histoire à pacifier?, Portet-sur-Garonne: Loubatières 2010, 31-44, 44-52.
Zbíral, David, “Sibyla den Balle a role žen v jihozápadofrancouzském katarství na počátku 14. století” [Sibyla den Balle and the Role of Women in Southwestern-France Catharism at the Beginning of the 14th Century], in: Martin Nodl (ed.), Zbožnost středověku, (Colloquia mediaevalia Pragensia 6), Praha: Filosofia 2007, 211-229.
Zbíral, David, “Relikvie, nebo hnijící maso? Spor o výklad mrtvol Petra Parenza a Armanna Pungilupa” [Relic or putrefying flesh? The Disputed Interpretation of the Corpses of Pietro Parenzo and Armanno Pungilupo], in: Iva Doležalová – Eleonóra Hamar – Luboš Bělka (eds.), Náboženství a tělo, (Central European Religious Studies 3), Brno: Masarykova univerzita – Praha: Malvern 2006, 89-94.
Book reviews
Zbíral, David, “James B. Given, Inkvizice a středověká společnost: Moc, kázeň a odpor v Languedocu”, Religio: Revue pro religionistiku 19/2, 2011, 266-268.
Zbíral, David, “Pilar Jiménez Sanchez, Les catharismes. Modèles dissidents du christianisme médiéval (XIIe-XIIIe siècles)”, Le Moyen Âge 115/3-4, 2010, 720-722.
Zbíral, David, “Pilar Jiménez Sanchez, Les catharismes: Modèles dissidents du christianisme médiéval (XIIe-XIIIe siècles)”, Religio: Revue pro religionistiku 17/2, 2009, 259-264.
Zbíral, David, “Emmanuel Le Roy Ladurie, Montaillou, okcitánská vesnice v letech 1294-1324”, Religio: Revue pro religionistiku 14/2, 2006, 279-283.
Zbíral, David, “Bernhard Dietrich Haage, Středověké alchymie. Od Zósima k Paracelsovi”, Religio: Revue pro religionistiku 10/1, 2002, 127-129.
Zbíral, David, “A. Brenonová, Kataři. Život a smrt jedné křesťanské církve”, Religio: Revue pro religionistiku 9/2, 2001, 229-231.