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  • On this page you will find some of my lectures, conference presentations and papers.

    David Zbíral, “In novissimis temporibus sustinere debent multa scandala et tribulationes et persecutiones”: Evidence for Apocalyptic Catharism in Firenze, Conventi soppressi, MS J II 44 (International Medieval Congress 2015, Institute for Medieval Studies, University of Leeds, Leeds, 6-9 July 2015)

    David Zbíral, Games with Names: Advances in, and Shortcomings of the Debate on the Invention of Heresy (International Medieval Congress 2014, Institute for Medieval Studies, University of Leeds, Leeds, 7-10 July 2014)

    David Zbíral, Theorizing the Repression of Religious Dissent in Medieval Europe (Religion and Pluralities of Knowledge, Grøningen, European Association for the Study of Religions)

    David Zbíral, Narratives about the Beginnings of Cathar Groups: Historical Accounts or Polemical Fantasies? (Religions: Fields of Research, Methods and Perspectives, Jagiellonian University, Kraków, 25-27 November 2013)

    David Zbíral, Problems in the Study of Religious Dissent in Medieval Europe (University of Leipzig, Leipzig, 19 November 2013)

    David Zbíral, Being Fair Towards the Dead? Historians and Power Relations in Research into Inquisitional Records (Religion, Migration and Mutation, European Association for the Study of Religions, Liverpool, 3-6 September 2013)

    David Zbíral, Forming Identity and Legitimizing Leadership: Why the 12th-13th Century Narratives about the History of Cathar Groups are Not Pure Polemical Fantasy (International Medieval Congress 2013: Pleasure, Institute for Medieval Studies, University of Leeds, Leeds, 1-4 July 2013)

    David Zbíral, Cathars as Cultural Waste: A Global Theory of Cathar Heresy as “the Other” of a New Social Order (International Medieval Congress 2012: Rules to Follow (or Not), Institute for Medieval Studies, University of Leeds, Leeds, 9-12 July 2012)